Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Unwrapping

Hello and welcome to new family blog - Our Box of Chocolate!

If you're joining us our previous family blog Love More, Laugh Often, we are so glad you found your way to our new home. If you're brand new, we're thrilled you are here as well!

So what's with the name we selected? Well, as Forest Gump's momma said..."Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get." And as you either already know, or will soon learn, you never really know what you're gonna get when you sit down to read one of my posts!

I love to poke fun at myself, I love to laugh, and I love being a mom, wife, pet guardian, blogger, animal rescuer, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. (Though not in that same order every day!)

I am also real and do my best to be genuine, which some days can honestly be difficult. What I am not is a cook - that part has not changed! :-)

I am sometimes zany and sometimes (though less often) serious. I am also very happy to be back to blogging our families memories and I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.

So feel free to follow us, bookmark us, leave comments or drop an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by for the unwrapping of Our Box of Chocolates!

Oh, and as for the other pages at the top of the screen. Well, be patient. They'll be completed soon!



  1. Followed you over from Google Reader! You've gone fancy with that toolbar. I was just thinking that I need to learn to do that!

    Hope all is well. How are you?

  2. Oooo... your new home is so pretty and decorated!! Love it!

  3. So glad you are blogging again :) Ilya has gotten so big - how time flies! I know I should get back into the blogging world, but with 3 kiddos, finding time to shower is sometimes hard! Can't wait to see what you are all up to in GA :)
